Sama’s work on Early Marriage was carried out with the primary objective to understand and ascertain the current role(s) and strategies of the health system in recognizing and addressing the implications of early marriage on the health of women. This research was informed by Sama’s long standing involvement on issues of women and adolescent health, public health and rights. The research also sought to identify future strategies, including areas for future research and action located in the health care system.
The research involved a systematic mapping of existing literature, information, and data relevant to early marriage and health outcomes in India. Alongside the review of literature, an exercise of mapping health policies, programmes and health strategies that address the health issues with particular focus on early marriage of adolescents, was undertaken. The methodology also included review of national health policies, programmes and strategies, which enabled Sama to look at ways in which the state delineates and identifies ‘age’ as a criteria within its population and to map policies in relation to practices related to age including health, marriage, education, etc.