An exploratory multi-site study exploring the third party arrangements and transnational networks operate in the booming industry of ARTs and Surrogacy in India and in UK. Given the significant and increasing cross-border movement for ART treatments and surrogacy, how possible is an international level covenant/ guideline/ resolution towards (recommendations for) regulation. The team represents an interdisciplinary collaboration between the Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health (CSMCH), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Sama –Resource Group for Women &Health, and King’s College London.
Sourcing Surrogates - Actors, Agencies and Networks; Deepa V., Mohan Rao, Rama Baru, Ramila Bisht, Sarojini N., Susan Fairly Murray; Zubaan 2013
A comprehensive work on the recent growth of the Assisted Reproductive industry across the world and the rise of reproductive Tourism with India being the 'Surrogacy outsourcing Capital' of the world.