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Sama News

  • Ms. Sarojini N was a panelist on the session titled "Concerns During Research on Women" at the Annual IERB Conference held at the JNU Convention Centre on 7th January 2016.

  • Ms. Sarojini N. of Sama has been invited for the 9th common Review mission meet to provide critical inputs on the health system for the state of Delhi.

  • Sama attended the Humanitarian Congress at Charite University, Berlin. Ms. Sarojini spoke on the safety, efficacy and cost effectiveness of vaccines and deliberated on the health systems in each country, transparency, accountability, and compensation mechanism for the trial patients.

  • Sama participated in the Round Table on Clinical Trials, held in Germany on the 8th October 2015. The round table provided a robust platform for discussions and exchange of ideas and information on various ethical and human rights questions raised by the global proliferation of the clinical trial sector. The meeting also deliberated on the issue of litigation as one of the ways to bring ethical and human rights concerns to public domain and strengthen the protection of trial participants. Sama provided key inputs to the discussion on the challenges and the complexities involved in filing a Public Interest Litigation (PIL).

  • The National Commission for Women in collaboration with UN Women, UNFPA organized a Consultation on ARTs and surrogacyon 15th October 2015 at VigyanBhawan, New Delhi. Sama has been requested to provide technical expertise towards the Consultation. Ms. Sarojini N. from Sama made a presentation on ‘Surrogacy in India – An overview of the context, issues and challenges’. Sama also screened the documentary film ‘Can We See the Baby Bump Please?’ at the consultation, which explores the questions and concerns through the experiences of surrogate women.
