Medico Friend Circle (MFC) is a nation-wide platform of secular, pluralist, and pro–people, pro-poor health practitioners, scientists and social activists interested in the health problems of the people of India. Since its inception in 1974, MFC has critically analyzed the existing health care system and has tried to evolve an appropriate approach towards health care which is humane and which can meet the needs of the vast majority of people in our country. Its commitment has been to intervene in and understand the debates, policies and practices of health in India. Such an organization would doubtless have as many different narratives of history as it has perspectives through its life.
MFC is a non funded group of members from various backgrounds across the country – public health professionals, medical doctors, nurses, health activists, researchers, students and professors at medical colleges and others. The MFC bulletin (first published in 1975) and the MFC Annual Meets have contributed to many debates and discussions on a range of health related issues, for example, primary health care, universal health care, nutrition, occupational health, communicable and non communicable diseases, women’s health, medical education, etc. Sama has always been an integral part of MFC and has co-organized the 40th annual meet of MFC in Delhi.. Ms. Sarojini Nadimpally, founder of Sama is member of the MFC executive committee. Sama has played an important role in co-organizing 40th anniversary of MFC in Delhi.
Sama's engagements with MFC
- Sarojini and Deepa from Sama attended the Mid Annual Meeting (MAM) of Medico Friend Circle on 8th and 9th August 2015. The objective of this meet was to deliberate discussions on chronic diseases, urbanization and health, and immunization. Sarojini moderated the session on immunization and co-presented the paper on HPV Vaccines.